A Lady in Waiting By Knight Errant, copyright 2008 version 1.1 An entry for the 2008 AIF mini-comp Contains M/F and adultry The game and this readme assumes you are familiar with the conventions of interactive fiction (IF) and adult interactive fiction (AIF) games. ABOUT CONVERSATION Conversation plays an important role in this game. To help reduce the amount of "guess the topic" in the game, I am utilizing the TADS 3 "suggested topic" system. You can initiate a conversation with a character by using the HELLO or TALK TO PERSON commands. Upon greeting, you will be presented with a short list of possible topics active at that moment. These are NOT the only topics available at the time, nor do they represent the only possible paths through the conversation. Talking about a topic may or may not cover all the relevant information in the first pass, sometimes you may want to ask or tell about a topic a few times before you cover everything that needs to be said. You can view the topic list at any time with the TOPICS command. As the conversation flows, you may exhaust a suggested topic and it will fall off the list. You may also uncover new topics that may be added to the list. ABOUT SEX In this game, the woman has a mouth, tits, ass, pussy, and legs. Possible actions are RUB, LICK/SUCK, FUCK and FUCK WITH. Not all actions will lead to orgasm. The PC only has a cock. The game ends when the PC leaves the bedroom of the woman. There are three possible endings to the game: failure, completion, and victory. Note, the AGAIN (G) command repeats the last player action. If the last action was a command to an NPC, typing AGAIN will repeat a previous command. This is simply an eccentricity of TADS 3. Enjoy the game, and please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. I am available at the AIF Archive, www.aifgames.com, or by email at sigmundvondanzig@gmail.com Knight Errant